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Cloud enhanced SSH client replacement with host auto-completion

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If you have to manage dozens of servers probably this tool for you. This tiny tool provide fuzzy autocompletion for your cloud instance addresses based on tags, security groups and names.

You can use built-in AWS EC2 tags and names to group/categories instances, and cloud-ssh to quickly search and connect to them.


Automatic installation. Just run following code in your terminal

bash <(curl -#

Manual installation:

Download and unpack latest release.


sh-3.2$ # Lets say i want connect to server called stage-matching
sh-3.2$ ./cloud-ssh leon@stama
Found config: /Users/buger/.ssh/cloud-ssh.yaml
Found clound instance:
Cloud: granify_ec2      Matched by: aws:autoscaling:groupName=stage-matching    Addr:

Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-25-virtual x86_64)

If there are more then 1 server matching your query, it will ask you to choose one:

sh-3.2$ # I want to check one of my CouchBase servers
sh-3.2$ ./cloud-ssh ubuntu@couch
Found config: /Users/buger/.ssh/cloud-ssh.yaml
Found multiple instances:
1)  Cloud: granify_ec2  Matched by: Name=couchbase-02   Addr:
2)  Cloud: granify_ec2  Matched by: Name=couchbase-03   Addr:
3)  Cloud: granify_ec2  Matched by: Name=couchbase-04   Addr:
4)  Cloud: granify_ec2  Matched by: Name=couchbase-01   Addr:
5)  Cloud: granify_ec2  Matched by: Name=couchbase-05   Addr:
Choose instance: 1
Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-58-virtual x86_64)

Nice, right? More over, cloud-ssh can act as full ssh replacement, since it just forward all calls to ssh command.


You should provide configuration file to make it work: cloud-ssh.yaml in one of this directories: ./ (current), ~/.ssh/ or /etc/

Note that you can define multiple clouds, per provider, if you have multi-datacenter setup or just different clients. Cloud name will be included into search term, so you can filter by it too!

Right now only 2 data cloud providers supported: Amazon EC2 and DigitalOcean. More coming (pull requests welcome).

Example configuration:

gran_ec2: # cloud name, used when searching
    provider: aws 
    region: us-east-1
    default_user: leon
    provider: digital_ocean
    client_id: 111111111111111111
    api_key: 22222222222222222

Can it be drop-in replacement for SSH client?

Totally yes! Actually it just SSH wrapper, so all SSH command options will work as before.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request